Auto Services

auto services for your vehicles

Auto Services in the Inland Empire

Our Auto Services range from insurance to DMV services. Goldamity is licensed by the DMV to complete DMV transactions. This does not include issuing ID cards (driver’s licenses or California Real ID). Your vehicle needs are met with Goldamity. Our wide range of services ensures you with low rates and adequate registrations.

Professional Auto Services

Client Discounts, Low Rates, Various Coverages

Car Registration/Renewal, Title Transfers, Moving Permits, Sticker/License Plates, PFR stickers, Salvage Revival.

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Reviews from our Auto Services Customers.

Probably one of the best insurance places I have ever used, not only are all nice but it’s ran by powerful WOMEN… Not only do I have my car and my moms car insured but also my Harley. Thank you Gaby for being so kind and helpful but also thank you to the staff there for alway being so nice and inviting.
woman avatar
Belen C.
Riverside, California

FAQs Auto Services

No! We work with over 20 different companies for auto insurance.
Nope. We can register your car with any form of ID.

Every insurance company is different. Prices changes based on age, address, and type of car.
For a more personalized estimate, contact our specialist Tess!

Only the drivers and vehicles named on the insurance paperwork are covered by the insurance company.

“Full Coverage” is a layman’s term used to describe an insurance coverage called comprehensive and collision. This coverage pays for damage on your vehicle for damage minus your deductible. The deductible varies and is the amount of money you pay first in damages the rest the insurance company covers.  

You can lower your insurance price a few different ways! Keeping a clean driving record, having multiple drivers on your plan, and driving a less expensive car.

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